Image of the logo of Emily Frank's Classic Flashback

High school student Emily Frank recently sent me some examples of her work. What a wonderful young talent! Her portfolio of graphic design and brand identification is ambitious and impressive. A true entrepreneur, she created her own brand, “Classic Flashback” and sells her retro-style, inspiring, and witty T-shirts, bags, and cards in her school’s bookstore. Her true passion  is the theater and that’s where she sees herself in the future. She currently interns at a theater company and has created some innovative and unique set designs.

A Young Entrepreneur Pursues Her Passion

According to her spokesperson (re: mom) “For the Classic Flashback, Emily always had an affinity for bygone eras. She started searching for pictures on the internet for retro-style fashions. They could be famous  Hollywood actresses from decades past or old covers of Vogue. After downloading the pictures, she would reinterpret the pictures on her iPad using Sketchbook Express Pro. She found that program gave her an infinite selection of textures, colors, and brush sizes at her fingertips. It made it incredibly easy to add specific text to each picture. Her inspiration is the picture itself; each one has an individual feel and consequently the finished product conveys a unique message through her color and texture choices. So far, she will be selling T’s, bags and cards at the school bookstore under the auspices of the Entrepreneurial Program. From there, who knows!”

A set of three colorful line drawings of girls fashion accompanied by test, such as "Good fashion is a must"

“As for the set designs:  Emily interprets the script to create engaging and exciting sets for the children and audience of the theater company where she interns. She has a whimsical touch inspired by the fairy tales forever present in her life and her love of Disney magic. Working on a tight budget for every show, Emily employs an environmentally-conscious philosophy and she has a unique talent for creating sets that use and re-use recyclable materials. Her sets for a children’s production of Cinderella were, essentially, cardboard, paint and miscellaneous hardware. Emily attends All Day Intensives for current Broadway productions to gain a holistic understanding of the field. She is in the process of applying to schools for theater production as she graduates in 2015.”

An image of a stage filled with kids and props for a Cinderella play

 We hope that Emily keeps in touch so we can follow her progress…and perhaps score some tickets to her first Broadway Production! Go Emily, Go!


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