Pop Art Naming Contest Winner to Receive Fazzino Artwork

We received more than seventy-five entries to our latest contest where we asked collectors to submit names for my newest limited edition featuring the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge….and the winner is………


“Sweet Land of Liberty” submitted by Roseann Annunziato.


Congratulations Roseann…you win a  piece from this edition…i’m proud to be sending it to you and i thank you for your assistance. We also selected Five Runners-Up to receive signed copies of my Audience Rewards Broadway Tour Poster Window Card. And they are:


Lorine Hirst
Pattie Pace Hofherr
Bernard Wurzburger
Katie Macardian
Howard Serlin


Congratulations to all!




This piece and all of my new additions are posted on https://www.fazzino.com/new-pop-art-releases/.


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