I recently came across Nathan Sawaya’s work. Have you seen it? It’s amazing. I love the ingenuity and the inspiration. What Nathan is accomplishing is at the very root of what the pop art movement is all about. He’s taken something so familiar to all of us (LEGO bricks)  that is has become part of our cultural fabric and turned it into artwork….transforming it into something new and daring, and of course, LOTS of fun to look at. You look at one of Nathan’s sculptures and you see so much more than the represented image. You remember playing with LEGOs as a child. You think about the things you made and think about the imagination and effort it took for Nathan to create his works. His collection takes you to a place in time…elicits memories, thoughts, feelings, and experiences…everything a great piece of pop artwork should do. And talk about keeping with the “popular” themes…Nathan’s even rendered the band One Direction in LEGO bricks!


Of course, i LOVE the heart shaped sculpture. Now, all he needs is to put one of my heart-shaped cityscapes in the middle and we’d have a collaboration? Both the motorcycle and the “One Direction” sculpture both show the classic transformation of pop culture icons into something artistic. I love them both! Nathan also hails from New York although he was born in Washington State. I understand he has more than 1.5 million LEGO bricks in his studio to play with. I’m a little bit jealous! Bravo Nathan and i look forward to seeing your work in person someday!



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