I know i'm a little late commenting on the death of the great Robert Rauschenberg, but someone mentioned his name to me today and it got me thinking…His death in May was a big loss to the art community. He was one of the few artists who successfully worked in and was influential in so many different media. He was a painter, a sculptor, a filmmaker….and even an entrepreneur. He was similar to other artists of his generation in that he took every day items – even junk – and made them into art. He was at the forefront of the whole pop art movement to which I claim to be a part.

Admittedly, I was never a huge fan of his paintings but I know how impactful he was to the way the world views artists of all types. He was eye-opening and so important because of what he was able to acccomplish during his life. You see that a lot more now….artists evolving their work into different media. Rem Koolhaas is another great example…he's a fantastic artist who has made an incredible name for himself in architecture. His work is just amazing.

As a 3D pop artist, I always aspire to work in different media and so far, i've tackled painting, sculpture, children's books, and I guess entrepreneurship…..someday maybe i'll try filmmaking.

Goodbye Robert….and thank you!



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