Charles Fazzino’s newest 3D limited edition pop art release is titled “In the Center of the Apple.” It’s the latest in a long line of very popular apple-shaped, New York-themed limited editions. Taking a patriotic turn after acting as the …
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The “Win a Fazzino for your Home” contest is open to all Fazzino Facebook Fans Internationally renowned 3D pop artist Charles Fazzino recently launched the new “Fazzino in Your Home” contest on Facebook. It’s open to all …
This week, we launched the “Fazzino in Your Home” contest on Facebook. It’s open to all Fazzino Facebook Fans so make sure you get your entry in. The contest runs until June 30th. All you have to do to enter …
OpSail 2012 has come to a close. We hope you had the chance to see the tall ships in your hometown. They were spectacular. Here are a few photos that were forwarded to us during the tour. Captain Amillcar Villavincencio …
Logo Chosen for City’s 325th Anniversary NRCA and City of New Rochelle Collaborate; Deborah Haley’s Design Selected Bright, colorful, unforgettable; That describes the striking design created by Deborah Haley, whose work has been selected as the official logo for the …
Fazzino’s 2012 London Olympic Pins Released Just in Time for Tomorrow Night’s Opening Ceremonies! For the fourth Olympic Games in a row, Charles Fazzino has created a series of exclusive limited edition, collectible pins for NBC. The second pin in the series has just …
Fazzino and Royal’s Legend George Brett to Unveil All-Star Game Artwork in KC Next Week; Artwork to be Featured at All-Star Game Fanfest in July Famous 3D Pop Artist Charles Fazzino has been creating the official artwork for the …