boston red sox

Play Ball! Baseball Through the 3D Eyes of Fazzino

It’s time once again for the BOYS OF SUMMER to take the field. Hopefully soon, the weather will begin to do it’s part…for now, they’re all wearing LONG SLEEVES. But that’s all soon to change as the days get longer …


Travel With Fazzino To Boston

It’s Our Third Edition of TRAVEL WITH FAZZINO: BOSTON In our last “Travel with Fazzino” blog, we took you to Moscow.  Now, we pack up and come back to the US to visit one of Fazzino’s favorite cities to paint: Boston. …


Limited Edition World Series Red Sox Baseball Ready for Release!

In addition to the World Series Commemorative Boston Red Sox Limited Edition artwork, we are now happy to announce that Charles Fazzino has also created a limited edition, hand-painted baseball celebrating the victory as well. Painted on the Official MLB World …


Fazzino Congratulates the Red Sox

In honor of the Red Sox World Series Victory, we are re-releasing the baseball 3D pop art limited edition titled “Fenway Park: Home of the Red Sox: The 2013 World Series Edition.” Throughout are references to the special moments and …