We recently discovered the artwork of Rebecca Schwarz when she brought her Pelham Middle School art class to our studio for a tour. She’s a wonderful educator… that we already knew… but what we didn’t know is that she is quite the talented artist in her own right. In particular, we love her refreshing, “tongue-in-cheek” take on Jewish life. Her playful incorporation of Jewish foods into whimsical compositions just make us smile.

Nosh Your Heart Out artwork by Rebecca Schwarz

Schmear To My Heart artwork by Rebecca Schwarz

Rebecca has a more serious symbolic side too, as shown in some of her other work… “Matzah” is a beautiful fusion of the traditional Jewish food with the sacred scrolls of the Torah.

Matzah artwork by Rebecca Schwarz

Rebecca  is a New York-based artist who was born and raised in New Orleans. After studying Fine Arts at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, she received a BFA in Advertising Design from the Fashion Institute of Technology and worked for several years as an art director and graphic designer. Deciding on a career change, she attended Teachers College at Columbia University, where she earned an MA in Art and Art Education. She has been teaching Art and Graphic Design since 2002 in Westchester County, New York, where she also resides with her husband and two children. Recalling the experience of being a religious minority in New Orleans sparked her interest in Judaic themes and perspectives, which often appear in her work. In addition, she creates portraits, illustrations and other forms of art, working in a variety of media, such as oil, acrylic and watercolor.  

You can see more of her work at www.rebeccabschwarz.com.


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