Mickey Burns visited the Fazzino studio in New Rochelle to reveal exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the artist’s process. They discussed how Fazzino defines 3D pop art and how an arts and crafts store in New York City rekindled his love for pop-up books, igniting his unique style. Discover the 20+ countries showcasing Charles’s work and how his travels deeply inspire his creations. Learn about the early years when Charles and his wife were cutting and gluing pieces in their home, to now leading a team of artists. They touch on his artwork for the Super Bowl and MLB All-Star Game, including hand-painted helmets and other equipment, which took three years to perfect. Mickey delves into Charles’s student years, early life influences, and his advice for young artists today. Best of all, uncover the surprising story behind his use of glitter and how it became part of his signature style. The interview ends with Charles presenting Mickey with a commemorative piece showcasing his successes.


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