I read a blog on the weburbanist.com site today titled “Amazing and Creative Book Cover Art and Design.” When I was a child, my mother used to buy me pop-up books and books with interesting covers and to this day, i claim that these things all inspired me and informed the type of artwork I do now. I still LOVE to look at books. My studio is full of them and mom still buys me books that look and feel interesting. I'll share some of them in future blogs.

It's a shame, though, that books, newspaper, magazines….all things in print…are slowly disappearing. There's an artistry to all of the print media…a creativity that will be lost when everything goes digital. I hope I will never have to miss that feeling of holding a book in my hands….of admiring the cover design….flipping through the pages…and marvelling at books that double as pieces of artwork. The blog on weburbanist shows some really amazing ones….here are a few:


ps. What inspires YOU?

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