I received an incredibly exciting email yesterday…from Tom Shieber, the Senior Curator at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown. He wrote: “We are nearly done with the changes to our Perez-Steele Art Gallery. I thought I'd pass along some photos of your work as now seen in the gallery space. It is the very first work on the right when visitors first walk into the gallery. Right next to your work is a large-format Polaroid by David Levinthal and a few paintings down is Andy Warhol's “Tom Seaver,” part of his famous Athletes Series. Across from your piece is Norman Rockwell's “Game Called Because of Rain (Tough Call). Once again we thank you for your generous donations. Our art gallery is much the richer for it.”

I am so honored to have my work in the same hall with Andy Warhol and Norman Rockwell. It's really a dream come true. Thank you, Tom, for making it happen!

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