If you’ve been following our blog, you know how strongly we feel about the value of the arts in our education system. So, we were thrilled when we were approached by a company in the UK called Plan Bee to use Charles Fazzino’s artwork in their online lesson plans.

Lesson Plans for Art and so Much More

Plan Bee has developed an entire online educational resource providing lesson plans and guidance for teachers in all of the National Curriculum Objectives determined by the Department of Education and we love the fact that ART is one of them. The others include: Design & Technology, History, Music, Science, Computing, Geography, Math, and Physical Education. The Art lessons are designed to teach children how to be creative and think through a variety of artistic problems. Fazzino’s work is utilized in the CITYSCAPES lesson plan that teaches children how to construct their own little cities. In doing so, they learn about everything from perspective to color to shapes, symbols, and dare we say… a bit of urban planning too.

The lesson includes an entire slideshow explaining what pop art is, why it’s relevant, and how it’s done. Then it provides step-by-step instructions showing the kids how to make their own pop art cities. The lesson is complete with worksheets and guides for teachers.

We LOVE the ingenuity of this program and the way that it uses are to teach children about so much more than just drawing lines on paper. It’s a lesson in creativity, process, and problem-solving, all packaged in a fun and package – hence, “taking the sting out of learning.” Bravo Plan Bee!

Slide examples of Plan Bee lesson plans with a bird asking if you have heard of Fazzino



Plan Bee art lesson plan cityscapes by Fazzino

A worksheet example lesson plan for creating Fazzino cityscapes by Plan Bee

To get the full set of lesson plans, visit the plan bee website.  


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