We are proud to announce Charles Fazzino’s new association with an organization called CHOICE (Consumers Helping Others In a Caring Environment). CHOICE’s mission statement reads “Provides services – Peer Advocacy, Homeless Outreach, and Care Coordination for people with mental illness …
This week, we launched the “Fazzino in Your Home” contest on Facebook. It’s open to all Fazzino Facebook Fans so make sure you get your entry in. The contest runs until June 30th. All you have to do to enter …
Charles Fazzino is a long-time proponent of arts education. He’s participated in many interactive workshops with kids and tried to keep the subject in the minds of his fans and collectors. We are proud to introduce a new series as …
Charles Fazzino is headed back to Europe next week….after being there last week for appearances in both Paris and Lyon, France. In Lyon, he was hosted by Galerie Nuances et Lumiere and the City of Lyon as the official artist for …
Behind the Fazzino Scenes I’ve been creating 3D artwork for a long time! And every technique that i use came from lots of experimentation. When we give our studio tour and talk about the 3d pop art process, we like …
I am often asked by collectors whether or not I am Jewish because I’ve painted so many Jewish art themes. Well, I am not Jewish but I have an incredible respect for Jewish heritage and Jewish lifestyle. My college years …
Soon after the installation of Charles Fazzino’s newest sculpture in Terminal 8 at JFK International Airport, American Airlines released this video tour of their entire Fazzino collection. The collection, which includes an original, 3-paneled, 16-foot mural with hanging mobile, has …