Fazzino Doodles for Hunger in 2013

The fourteenth annual Doodle For Hunger to benefit St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelters is slated to take place this Thursday evening, at Pier Sixty in NYC. Founded in 2000, “Doodle for Hunger” is a fun and exciting auction of …


Fazzino Congratulates the Red Sox

In honor of the Red Sox World Series Victory, we are re-releasing the baseball 3D pop art limited edition titled “Fenway Park: Home of the Red Sox: The 2013 World Series Edition.” Throughout are references to the special moments and …


Van Gogh Re-imagined in 3D

British artists Rob and Nick Carter have succeeded in merging the worlds of art and technology in a way that would have made even Michelangelo proud. We recently learned about their revolutionary technique in a CoolHunting Blog. Utilizing state of …


New Release: Fazzino Pop Art Goes Monochromatic

I spent A LOT of time on airplanes…..traveling all over the world. So, i try to use that time well….i do a lot of brainstorming on planes. On my way back from a recent trip to Europe, i had an …


Explore The Artwork

Fazzino Arts Education Initiative in Germany

Charles Fazzino recently completed his third European Tour of the year, making appearances at Mensing Galleries in Hannover, Berlin, and Dusseldorf, Germany. While he was there, he was invited to participate in an interactive workshop by Project FUTURE CHALLENGE, an …


Fazzino Sports Art Collection Installed at Chelsea Piers in NYC

A collection of 21 sports-themed artworks by 3D pop artist Charles Fazzino was recently installed at the Sports Center at Chelsea Piers in NYC. The collection will be on display for approximately a year and The Sports Center will host …


The World’s Oldest Monopoly Game?

An archaeologist in the Southeastern part of Turkey recently unearthed a collection of stone artifacts when taken all together appear to be the pieces of an ancient board game. Estimated to be approximately 5,000 years old, the artifacts are proof …


CHOICE Fundraiser a Heartwarming Success

On Thursday evening, Charles Fazzino hosted a fundraising event to kickoff the 2013 annual New Rochelle ArtsFest. The event benefited a wonderful local mental health advocacy organization called CHOICE. More than 80 people attended and listened to presentations by New …