Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity of seeing my artwork permanently installed in the American Airlines terminal at JFK Airport in NY…I went for the installation and to sign posters for the American Airlines employees. Honestly, I had not idea what …
Last night was amazin’! John Franco and Jeff Wilpon helped me unveil my Citi Field artwork outside the team store in the Jackie Robinson Rotunda before last night’s game. I was so honored to have both John and Jeff there….and …
Tuesday is going to be a great day! Former Met Captain John Franco is going to join me at Citi Field for the formal unveiling of my Citi Field Commemorative Artwork! Many months ago, the Mets asked me to create …
I can’t believe how the new diorama sculptures i’m working on are coming out. They’re like my new little babies….i’m just so excited about them. I did the first one as an experiment for Art Expo and have been working …
I was at Citi Field last night when the Mets opened up their new stadium. I’ve been working with the Mets to create a piece of artwork to celebrate the milestone, but i had not actually seen the stadium in …
I am incredibly honored to be able to tell you that i have been selected to receive, along with several others, the 2009 Ellis Island Medal of Honor. The Award is meant to celebrate the cultural diversity of our nation, …
I heard from my friend Ben earlier this week….he gave me permission to post his email because he's talking about a wonderful cause…although it's necessary because of a very sad event that happens to too many people…but we should all …
The Indianapolis Art Museum launched a fantastic new website this week… Art Babble … It’s like YouTube but for the Arts. It was profiled in the New York Times and is meant to become an interactive portal to the arts, …