Today’s Featured Gift of the Day
The Fazzino RIDE Art Poster!

On the Seventh Day of Fazzino, we offer to you…20% off a Fazzino RIDE art poster. The perfect gift for your Fazzino fan. Charles Fazzino was commissioned to design a limited edition run of the Fazzino RIDE in New York City this year. Here’s your chance to order one of his commemorative posters in time for the holidays.  Poster measures 27″ x 11″.…..MUST ORDER BY December 18th for Christmas delivery.



Regular Price: $25 unsigned/$40 signed  plus shipping and handling

Today ONLY – 20% Off (while supplies last)!

To Order: Email

Plus, we’re giving one of these art posters away for FREE. Just post a comment on this blog or on the Fazzino Facebook Fan Page answering our holiday question of the day by midnight tonight and you’ll have the chance to be our randomly selected winner.

Question of the Day: “What is your favorite holiday cookie recipe?”



Visit the Charles Fazzino Gift Shop for even more holiday gift ideas and stay tuned for tomorrow’s Day Eight Featured Gift of the Day!


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