Scheduled for release at the end of September, “Oh Beautiful For Spacious Skies” is the eighth book published about the 3D pop art of Charles Fazzino. The longest book published to date, it has 132 pages, more than 130 plates and a series of features including the American Airlines JFK Art Collection, Fazinopalooza, and the 100th Anniversary of Ft. Lauderdale. “Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies is one of my favorite releases from the last few years,” said Charles Fazzino. “I’ve always wanted to paint the National Parks. A lot of my European collectors, in particular, have told me how much they enjoy coming to the States and doing what is often called The European Loop. I really love the way the composition turned out and the colors work together.”

The book will be available both in a flexibound and hard cover editions. The hard cover will be released in a limited edition of 200 signed and numbered books. Each book will have an individual drawing by Charles Fazzino.

Contact your favorite Authorized Fazzino Gallery to reserve your copy or email us at for more information.




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