The city of Stamford recently unveiled a new artwork-installation-in-progress, a kiosk outside the library, designed by Charles and Heather Fazzino in conjunction with Stamford Downtown to beautify the city. The image is filled with “books and bugs,” as the artists like to say. The two artists actually installed the most exciting part of the sculpture, a series of butterflies embellished with Swarovski Crystals and resin, live on site in front of several media outlets and local dignitaries. As this beauty is a work in progress, make sure to keep a watchful eye on the progress if you’re in the neighborhood. It is scheduled to be completed in September of this year!

This is only one in a series of sculptures the Fazzino’s have created for Stamford. Last year, Charles and  Heather Fazzino  decorated a kiosk nearby called Downtown Dogs of Stamford.


Fazzino and friends posing and smiling in front of Stamford CT library kiosk


News 12 filming Fazzinos Library Kiosk Installation in Stamford, CT

News 12 Covering the Story!


A Quick Word from the Artist!
“One of my favorite parts of being an artist is doing projects like these art installations, regardless of whether or not it’s my own sculptural creation or if I’m decorating a piece of the landscape that already exists. It gives me great pleasure to give the surrounding area some of my Fazzino pizzazz! Having a series of permanent installations with my artwork has been a goal of mine for a long time and slowly but surely, they are getting out there. Literature is so important to the younger generations, no matter what they are reading. So when i created the concept for this specific design, I wanted to capture the beauty of literature and the addition of butterflies/bugs to give the nickname “Books Worms” a 3D meaning!” 


 Man working on wrapping Kiosk Stamford CT done by Charles Fazzino

Where is the Kiosk Located?
The Kiosk is located in the front of the Ferguson Library ( 1 Public Library Plaza) in Stamford, CT. If you’re passing by make sure to check it out!!

3D pop art Library themed Kiosk wrapped by Chalres Fazzino with 3D butterflies on a bookshelf.

3D pop art piece of a bookshelf with triangle windows and 3d butterflies done by Charles Fazzino

Close up of a 3D blue butterfly on a bookshelf done by Charles Fazzino

Kiosk in front of Ferguson Library in Stamford Connecticut wrapped in artwork from Charles Fazzino

You can see the entire article with more behind the scenes pictures and info!


What do you think about this Fazzino Library Kiosk? Share in the comments below or tell us what you think on Facebook or Twitter!


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