3d Pop Artist, Charles Fazzino makes his debut in Korea


Last month’s Korean International Art Fair (KIAF) marked the debut for Charles Fazzino’s art collection in Korea. Exhibited there by the Bruno Art Group, Fazzino’s collection was the talk of the show. “We didn’t know what to expect,” said Fazzino. “It was my first time to Korea and it was Bruno Art Group’s first time showing my work at the Fair. We were completely and pleasantly surprised by the crowds of people that showed up to view my collection. I had lines of people waiting for my signature and admiring my work. It was very gratifying and I’m looking forward to going back there.”

Korea is the latest country to join the Fazzino family. Other recent additions have included Singapore, India, Malaysia, Dubai, and Hong Kong. “My work has been well-accepted in many European countries and in Japan for decades now. I’m thrilled that we’re now expanding our borders into some of the more exotic locales in the world and I’m enjoying discovering new places and new cultures. I’m excited for the future.”


Charles Fazzino looking at his 3d Pop Art work with fans in Korea

Charles Fazzino 3d Pop Art Gallery in Korea

Chalres Fazzino signing some of his 3d Pop Art work for fans in Korea

Drawings made for Charles Fazzino by a fan in Korea

A drawing of Charles Fazzino from a fan



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