Hello, Pop Art enthusiasts! We are Brandon Crane, Reed Kochanek, and Cassie Moniodes, and we are “Team Fazzino” from Iona College! This Fall semester Iona has implemented a new course for undergraduate seniors, that fully immerses them into the inner workings of a business. It is designed in order to give exceptional students hands-on experience working as consultants for business professionals. The Action Learning Project course is only offered at a select number of business schools across the country!
Learning The Business Side of Art
Team Fazzino is working with Charles Fazzino, Heather Fazzino, and Julie Maner at Museum Editions, Ltd. to research and develop a plan to feature Fazzino’s world- renowned art work on jewelry! We are now into our third week. So far we have learned the foundations of art publishing and licensing. As a team, we view this project as wonderful opportunity to gain experience with extraordinary business professionals! Check back for more updates on the team’s progress.
Team Fazzino