I can’t believe how the new diorama sculptures i’m working on are coming out. They’re like my new little babies….i’m just so excited about them. I did the first one as an experiment for Art Expo and have been working on a few new ones since then…They’re like 3D on steroids!!! 3D SQUARED…..3D IN 3D!


I’ve always wanted to create pieces like this but visiting the Red Grooms exhibit at the Hudson River Museum last year inspired me to go ahead and try it. There was one sculpture there that took up a whole room! You could actually walk inside it….


As with all of my new techniques, this one evolved from a small idea into a big one. I started by trying to put together small pieces of canvas…which led to big pieces of canvas…which led to building out independent elements in canvas and boxing them in like in the Venice picture below. I’ve finished one on New York and i have two more in the works. Pictures of all three are below. The one on the bottom is on its side because it’s drying.


I love the fact that i can actually create whole little worlds with these…Many have windows that you can actually peer through … i can create scenes INSIDE the buildings which is really cool. Kind of reminds me of those cards that they had when we were kids that had houses with die cut windows that you could actually open up and see into.


I’m also creating plexiglass boxes with mirrored backs so you can see the 3D from all angles. There’s nothing like new creativity to really inspire me…i’m driven to work on these…to make them better and more interesting…you could say i’m a little obsessed with them. I would welcome feedback from you on what you think…ideas….subjects….i’m on it! I’ll continue to post pictures as they progress.



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