In this new 3D limited edition release on aluminum, Charles Fazzino relies on a forced perspective of Times Square to convey a feeling of hustle and bustle; the frenzy of what is New York City. “Honk, Honk, Beep, Beep…Broadway” is available in three different color variations: monochromatic blue, full color, black and white. The full color image looks a bit playful while the other two are quite striking and really focus your attention on the dynamics of the composition.

Honk, honk, beep, beep, broadway in three colors - blue monochrome, color, and black and white monochrome of NYC's busy streets

More Aluminum Prints from Charles Fazzino

3D on aluminum is nothing new for Fazzino, however, he seems to be turning to this medium more often for many of his newly released images. “When I put a piece together, I really have to think about the end result,” said Fazzino. “It’s one thing to look at a flat image and a flat drawing, but once we have the artwork, my staff and I experiment with the different mediums we have at our disposal to make sure the method of reproduction really complements the feeling I’m trying to create. Honk Honk…Beep, Beep really works on the aluminum. The perspective is kind of sleek and that matches the material and the look on the silver background. I’m really pleased with it.”

“Honk, Honk…Beep, Beep….” is a followup to another bold limited edition recently released on aluminum titled “A Day at the Beach in NYC.”

Purchase Information

For More Information on Honk, Honk…Beep, Beep…Broadway Please contact your favorite authorized Fazzino Art Gallery, or email with your inquiries!

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