In our last E-Newsletter, we asked for your opinions about the fact that the All-Star Game determines the home field advantage for the World Series. Personally, I'm torn. I think the old way worked just fine…alternating years between the American League and the National League….and the All-Star Game IS supposed to be an exhibition. But, on the other hand, the fact that the game has some meaning causes the players to actually stick around for the whole game. I remember hearing about the players would who play their one or two innings and then actually leave the ballpark…maybe that's just old lore but it's what i've heard. There DOES seem to be a LOT more excitement about the game now. But I think that does come in waves. The All Star Game was a HUGE event in the 1970's and 1980's. It lost a little luster in the 1990's and I don't know why. I think Major League Baseball has done a great job of making it a real spectacle again. It's an amazing event! Anyway, you guys have a lot to say on this subject so take a look at the comments below…and keep those comments coming!



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