
I’m goin’ back to the streets! And i’m proud to be doing it. My daughter, Heather, is participating in her first outdoor art show this coming weekend in White Plains, New York. She has been working so hard to add to and complete her Crook Couture Art Collection and now it’s time for her to start getting it out there. She’ll be showing her original paintings, clothing line, limited edition giclees, and puzzles and playing cards. I’ll be there with her and i am so excited for her.

I’m sure that the outdoor art show scene has changed quite a bit since i participated in the 1970’s and 1980’s but it was one of the best times of my life. I still have collectors of my work who tell me that they bought their first Fazzino at an outdoor show.

Her work has already been exhibited very successfully at the Art Expo in NYC,  the Pori Jazz Festival in Finland, and Barrington Art Gallery in NYC. But she’s excited to be able to start doing shows during which she can meet the potential collectors of her work. I hope she meets some lifelong ones, just as i did.

Come See Us:

The White Plains Outdoor Arts Festival

Tibbits Park (Near The Westchester Mall)

1 North Broadway

White Plains, NY 10601

Saturday and Sunday, June 5th and 6th

10AM – 5PM



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