Explore The History of Fourth of July Artwork
This weekend we celebrate the 239th birthday of our wonderful nation. 239 years seems like a long time ago, but not when you compare it to the histories of Europe, Asia, and the other continents. We’re still a baby nation compared to the rest of the world. However, over the course of our 239 years, we have more than established our place in this world. And along the way, we have built an iconic culture that celebrates our independence, freedom, and patriotism. Throughout history, artists have taken on the task of giving our national patriotism a visual voice.
Just think of Jasper John’s “American Flag”, or Emanual Leutze’s “Washington Crossing the Delaware” and what they symbolize – our American Pride.
Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze
The American Flag by Jasper Johns
O Beautiful for Spacious Skies
“O Beautiful for Spacious Skies” is Charles Fazzino’s contribution to celebrating America. It’s a colorful, detailed, and vibrant tour of America’s National Parks, all rendered in the quintessential Fazzino 3D style. “I love this piece,” states Fazzino. “It’s very different from the rest of my collection but i really wanted to do it. I wanted it to feel majestic and lively, a true celebration of the spirit of our country.” The working title of the piece was actually “The European Loop” because we welcome so many Europeans to our national parks during their summer holidays. Many come over and spend 6 weeks going through all or most of them, often beginning in Los Angeles and ending in Las Vegas. In the end, Fazzino decided to go with a more American-centric title because in reality, the piece celebrates American beauty and American culture.
So, while you’re grilling your hot dogs and sipping your beer this weekend, take a moment out to visualize what The Fourth of July really means. Appreciate some of our most symbolic and most historical works….and then go enjoy some Fireworks! Happy Fourth of July!