We never know where we’re going to meet the next artistic talent! Our friend Andrea, who is on the Board of the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County (stay tuned for more news about Fazzino and HMTC in the future!), introduced us to her incredibly talented niece Rachel Herz! Although she currently pursues her art as a hobby, she has some real talent and we hope she continues developing her style and technique.

“There is a real individual feeling to Rachel’s work,” commented Charles Fazzino. “Her textures and colors are very distinctive. I hope she keeps at it. She has a real voice to share.”

In Rachel’s own words:

“I am originally from Brooklyn, New York, but was raised on Long Island. I began my foray in art with black pencil drawings and eventually developed my way into painting in oil and acrylic. I like to vary in my range of subjects in terms of my work, however portraits have always been my favorite to do. I love the intricate details that go into each element of a face and I enjoy the process of bringing life to art through painting the people in it. Art has always been a way of expression for me naturally. My grandparents always bought my sisters and I art supplies every time we visited and always drove hours for our art shows, so there has has been a huge encouragement when it comes to art in my family. It also serves as one of my favorite outlets to escape the pressures of an overwhelming world and focus in on just creating something beautiful.”

Well, Rachel, we hope you stick with it and can’t wait to see what your talent brings forth!


Charles Fazzino featured artist Rachel Herz - colorful figure drawing

Charles Fazzino featured artist Rachel Herz - self portrait

Charles Fazzino featured artist Rachel Herz - colorful mountain painting


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