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(New York City – August, 2012) Times Square, TimesSquare.com has released their list of jury members for their first annual logo design competition. The winning design will replace the current logo on Times Square’s namesake portal; TimesSquare.com.

The judging process will take place in two steps. A team of four (5) Internal Jury Members will evaluate the more than 5,700 logo entries received from artists all over the world. The internal jury consists of TimesSquare.com President & Publisher Lorenzo Tartamella, TimesSquare.com Founder Brooks Williams, TimesSquare.com Editor-In-Chief Joey Franco, TimesSquare.com Associate Editor Maria Chiazzese and Times Square Magazine Creative Director Ashley McLean.

The second round of the judging process will decide the overall winners from an External Committee of three Jurors. The three External Jurors consist of internationally acclaimed graphic designer Pablo Rodriguez, and Content Director at Spafax, as well as a seasoned journalist and writer; Arjun Basu.

New York born visual artist Charles Fazzino has been named President of the Jury. Mr. Fazzino is one of the most relevant pop artists in the world and is the official artist for the 2012 London games, the NFL, and the Superbowl.

TimesSquare.com President Lorenzo Tartamella is ecstatic about the talent and achievements of this panel of External Jurors. “We wanted to select prominent figures in art, design, and media; these three jurors are all seasoned leaders in their respective fields,” said Tartamella. The contest is being hosted on Design Crowd http://www.designcrowd.com/timessquare-logo-contest .

The TimesSquare.com logo contest includes an epic $10,000 of prizes! The winner (1st prize) will receive $5,000 with a further $5,000 of prizes for runners-up! The 2012 and winners will be announced on December 12, 2012.


About TimesSquare.com



TimesSquare.com was first established in 1995. The website was kept as a web portal reporting on news, events, arts, and entertainment. Today, the namesake portal of Times Square, TimesSquare.com brings us to the foreground of the arts and culture scene, benefiting New Yorkers and tourists alike. Site visitors may actually book hotels from the website or buy tickets for popular Broadway shows.  For Further information or press inquiries please contact:  Victor Boreski   VB@123.ca



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