On June 19th, The Jefferson Awards will be presented to 20 extraordinary individuals and organizations in a ceremony in Washington, DC. Also known as the “Nobel Prize for Public Service,” The Jefferson Awards was founded in 1972 by Sam Beard, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and U.S. Senator Robert Taft, Jr.  With the tagline “Building a Culture of Service,” the mission of the Jefferson Awards is to “collaboratively engage the nation in public service and volunteering by providing training, inspiring and enabling action, measuring impact and celebrating the achievements of exceptional individuals.”

This year,  The Jefferson Awards has partnered with Charles Fazzino to create an official artwork to celebrate the occasion. In doing so, he has created visual interpretation of the organization’s mission that not only makes a wonderful statement but will become the basis for a long-term branding and fundraising effort. “I am so honored to be involved with Sam and his incredible organization,” said Charles Fazzino. “I am in awe of the good works inspired by the Jefferson Awards and am looking forward to do what I can to promote and support the mission.”


Jefferson Poster LR


Not only does the Jefferson Awards present an annual award, but the organization is active throughout the year pursuing key initiatives such as Students In Action, Globe Changers, and Youth Service Challenge. Charles Fazzino’s artwork celebrates the initiative, global thinking, and genuine selflessness demonstrated by all of those who take part in these programs. The artwork will be unveiled during both the National Ceremony Welcome Dinner on June 18th and the National Ceremony on June 19th, and will be presented to the Award Recipients scheduled to include Professor Elie Wiesel and U.S. Senators Tom Coburn and Pat Leahy, among others. It will then be made available for sale in several forms (open edition poster print, open edition, 3D mini print, and 3D limited edition deluxe print) with a portion of the proceeds benefiting The Jefferson Awards. Email us at info@fazzinocollectors.com if you’re interested in purchasing a piece from this very special collection.



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