Last week, Charles Fazzino’s studio hosted it’s first Arts Education Initiative event. We welcomed in Port Chester, Rye Brook Brownie Troop 2896. We gave the girls a studio tour, explained the process of creating Charles Fazzino’s 3-D pop art and then we let them give it a try. Charles spoke to the girls about his artwork and answered questions.


On a personal note, it never ceases to amaze me the way that Charles Fazzino’s art touches people of all ages, races, nationalities, and backgrounds. These girls were just mesmerized as they walked around the studio. I could see that there were definitely a few budding artists in the group and the Fazzino artwork truly spoke to them. I share Charles Fazzino’s fear for the future of arts education in this country and would use this event as another example of just how important it is. There is a whole population of children who are inspired by creativity…who think more creatively than analytically…who related to the world in an artistic way. We just can’t continue to squash their interests and cut them off from a path that may truly lead them to fulfillment and achievement later in life.


I will get off my soap box now. It was truly a pleasure to host these young ladies in our studio. We hope they will remember their visit and that it inspires even one of them to explore their own artistic interests further.


–Julie Maner



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