
We’re partnering with our friends at gourmet chocolate and coffee house 2|Beans to bring you the first ever Sweets and Treats Sweepstakes. 2|Beans is proud to carry a series of chocolate boxes and bars featuring Fazzino’s artwork. The entire collection is available online but we’re giving away some Fazzino bars, a box of Fazzino truffles AND the newest Fazzino limited edition release “A Melting Pot of Chocolate….NYC.” Entries are being accepted through November 30th. So, get on Facebook and get in on the action!

The collection includes a limited edition collectors gift box featuring Fazzino’s artwork inside and out, and a very special selection of Fazzino-stenciled pralines/bon bons, all produced by New York based gourmet chocolatier Chocolate Moderne.

Image of a 2|Beans box of chocolate with the packaging and chocolate styled in Charles Fazzino's Pop Art

The 12 piece box of pralines sells for $55 and the 24-piece box sells for $90. Each comes with a removable Fazzino fine art print (suitable for framing) inside the box. There is also a series of 3 ounce photographic chocolate bars featuring some of Fazzino’s most popular 3D art releases printed right onto the white chocolate. Each bar sells for $10.99.

Special Offer for Fazzino Collectors

In addition to providing the prizes for our sweepstakes, 2|Beans is also offering our collectors a very special in-store offer. Bring this coupon in and when you purchase 2 of the Fazzino chocolate bars, you can add a 2|Beans chocolate bar to your order for FREE!


2|Beans NYC Location

2|Beans is located at 100 Park Avenue in New York City, right outside of Grand Central Station. Make sure you stop in if you’re in the neighborhood…and tell ’em Charles Fazzino sent you. Enjoy!


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