I spent the last two days in Cooperstown, NY. It’s Baseball Hall of Fame Induction weekend and it was the first time i had the opportunity to take part in the festivities. On Friday, i spent the day at the Hall of Fame conducting a hands-on interactive3d pop art workshop. What a fantastic group of people! More 100 people, kids and adults alike, contributed to the artwork we created. I even had the chance to work with Inductee Bert Blylevin’s Mother!  We had a blast….talking baseball AND art. We were situated right next to the Museum’s “Art of Baseball” hall where my original painting “The Curse is Dead” was installed a couple of years ago. It was the first time i had the chance to see the painting there and i was honored to be keeping the company of artistic giants like Norman Rockwell, Andy Warhol, and Leroy Nieman. I also saw a wonderful painting there by one of my favorite baseball artists, Kadir Nelson. His work is so lifelike…just amazing!


Thanks to those of you who participated in our project and the next time you get back to Cooperstown, check out the collection. Your work will be in the Hall of Fame. We took the piece back to our studios for curing and framing and hope to have it back up to the Hall for hanging within the month.


On Saturday, i stopped by StenHaven Gallery on Chestnutt street in Cooperstown to meet and greet collectors in a gallery show setting. Another great day….albeit HOT! It’s amazing to see so many greats from the game of baseball descend on Cooperstown once a year. Congratulations to this year’s inductees and I was honored to be a part of a very special weekend!



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