We recently met a very talented twenty-something  🙂  who is exploring her more creative side and experimenting with her artwork. She specializes in collage work and we think it’s unique and quite fascinating. She claims she doesn’t have a style, but we beg to differ…there is definitely a story-telling characteristic in her work and despite the fact that her images appear to be random, there is at the same time, a semblance of order and logic.

The Power Of The Collage

In her own words, Paige tells us “I didn’t realize that I really liked to draw until I was 18 years old- a senior in high school and I haven’t stopped since. I don’t really have a specific style I like to draw a lot of different things; patterns, logos, characters, words, costumes, makeup, etc. I get inspired by what is around me and what my mind thinks up. As an artist I am just doing what I love and hoping to make an impact and a difference in the world.”

Paige, we think you’re on to something and hope you’ll keep it up!

Cycle Of Life



On Broadway


For more of Paige’s works of art check out her Dynomighty page

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