Chris Van Horn, a budding artist and friend of the family, emailed me some of his images a couple of weeks ago. He’s thinking about self-publishing his work…a new voice looking for an outlet. I actually saw his work for the first time and I love it! I wanted to share it with you. The subject matter is definitely a little bit dark. In his own words, he’s “exploring the idea of not being heard and not being able to express yourself through words or actions.” That’s pretty evident with the metal plates covering most of the mouths of his subjects.

I would actually venture to say that Chris’s work is remeniscent of Salvador Dali….abstract and illustrative…but they do tell a story. The composition is fantastic and his sense of balance and color are top notch. He’s definitely telling a story, but he leaves a lot of the interpretation of that story to the viewer of his art – i think that’s true art. I think that everyone looking at it will see and feel and hear something different.

My favorite piece is the first one below – with the crossed hands and the fire. I find it very thought-provoking.

Chris is one of so many young and talented artists looking for their voices and waiting for a break. I think his voice is certainly unique and i think his break might be right around the corner.  If you want to see more of his work, you can contact him at

Thanks for sending these Chris!





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