I have been meaning to share this with you since last December when i originally read it.  It hit me because it deals with a subject that is close to many artists’s hearts….censorship. It’s about an Italian street artist named Blu, whose anti-war mural was taken down by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. Now, while i am not familiar with Blu’s work,  i would certainly defend his right to paint an image like this one. It’s a very clear and appropriate expression of a clear opinion that deserves expression. His imagery of dollar bill-draped coffins is “right on the money.”




Actually, i’m not sure why this act by the Museum didn’t result in a much stronger public outpouring. Maybe today people are too engrossed in their texting and facebook and cell phones to notice what’s going on around them.  Past generations would be marching in the streets protesting what our government and miliary are doing right before our very eyes. One artist tried to get that message out there and he was squashed. I guess we’re more interested in what’s going on with the Kardashians today, right?


LA la-et-blu-moca.jpg


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