Pop Art News & Events

Warrior Games Bring Pride and Inspiration

The 2013 Warrior Games closed yesterday with a ceremony at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. In one of the most inspiring demonstrations of athletic prowess, 6 teams (5 US Military plus the British Armed Forces) competed …


Press Release: Fazzino RIDE Nominated for Drama Desk Award

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   The FAZZINO RIDE Received Nomination for 2013 Drama Desk Award   Unique, Fazzino-Themed Bus Tour of New York City Nominated in Unique Theatrical Experience Category   New Rochelle, NY – –The Charles Fazzino, 3D …


A Fazzino Festival at Foire de Lyon

Charles Fazzino is headed back to Europe next week….after being there last week for appearances in both Paris and Lyon, France. In Lyon, he was hosted by Galerie Nuances et Lumiere and the City of Lyon as the official artist for …


3D Artist Dishes on 3D Printing

I have to give my art director, Jaime, all the credit. He’s been talking to me about 3D printing for a few years now. I never did quite understand what he was talking about, but he obviously has his finger …


Artist Profile – Sophia Domeville

Someone recently sent me some pictures of work by an amazing young Haitian artist named Sophia Domeville and I wanted to share it with you. I had never seen the work before but it really hit me. I love the …


Official 2013 Foire de Lyon Artist

Foire de Lyon, or The International Fair of Lyon, is an annual 11-day festival hosted by the city of Lyon, France. It’s a massive celebration of discovery, history, culture, entertainment…and SPRING. As the theme of this year’s fair is “NEW …


More CBS Filming….JFK and New Orleans

Today, Charles Fazzino finished taping the segment for CBS Sunday Morning at  the NFL Experience in New Orleans. The cast and crew joined Fazzino as he finished putting together his Super Bowl art collection exhibit. Serena Altschul chatted with the …


Charles Fazzino Starts Filming for CBS Sunday Morning

Charles Fazzino was proud to host the cast and crew from CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood in his studio last Friday. Their segment about the art and career of Charles Fazzino is scheduled (barring any breaking news) to air …