Since we’re currently running our “Your Cat is Out of This World” contest on the Fazzino Facebook Fan Page and we’re getting a lot of great entries, we thought you might be interested in the latest London Feline Fad – Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium!

Sip Tea in Kitty Heaven

We all know that cat lovers are FOREVER. Well, what about those poor cat lovers who can’t actually own cats – their apartments don’t allow it or their space is too small. It’s Lady Dina’s to the rescue. For about $8, you can spend two hours in kitty heaven. If you want to sip some tea and have some scones, that’s an additional charge. But the cats are well worth it. Curl up with a book and a cat. Socialize your kids to the animals. Save the therapy money and use it for some cat cuddles instead.


We’ve seen a lot of wonderful cats entered in our contest who might just be perfectly suited to public nuzzling. The good news is that soon Americans won’t have to cross the pond to find a luxurious room full of cats to play in. The first cat cafe is coming to San Francisco by the end of 2014. MEOW!


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