The world of celebrity chefs gets more crowded all the time, but celebrity sugar and cake artist Michelle Wibowo has certainly set herself apart from the rest. Stretching the imagination and achieving incredible detail, Michelle has made it her specialty to create some of the most amazing sculptures, cakes, models, and works of art….out of sprinkles, sugar, and marshmallows!
Narnia-Themed Wedding Cake
Michelle Wibowo Art Acheivements
Her work has won her gold and silver at the Culinary Olympic Games, an entry into the Guinness Book of World Records (the largest dog-friendly cake ever made), and kudos around the world for her delectable masterpieces. Yes, she does wedding cakes….but she also does create public installations and the most incredible PR stunts designed to get the attention of her clients. For example, the 20-foot-long replica of Michelangelo’s Adam from the Sistine Chapel commissioned to celebrate the 450th anniversary of the artist’s death. There’s also the life size cake model of a 1.0 litre Ford EcoBoost engine commissioned by the car manufacturer on release of it’s new design. They are all amazing.
Charles Fazzino always tells aspiring artists he meets to find something unique in their work. Find what distinguishes you from everyone else. Michelle Wibowo is probably the best example we’ve found so far.
Congratulations Michelle and thanks for sharing with us!
Michelangelo Tribute in Sprinkles and Marshmallows