I met Corlette two weeks ago in New York City at a show i was doing. She came to the New York Dental Convention with her mother. She's a high school student and budding artist and i had the pleasure of talking to her about her art aspirations. When i returned to the studio, i had an email waiting for me…from Corlette. She wanted my advise on pursuing her art career and she sent me a few of her drawings. I was very impressed. I've been thinking a lot lately about kids and art…the state of art education in our schools…the importance of encouraging young artists….the future of the art world and what it means to our kids as they grow through their most impressionable years. I so enjoyed speaking with Corlette and i was so glad to receive her drawings. I'm thinking about trying to do more to encourage, promote, and support arts education in this country. I'm sure i'll be blogging a lot more about it, but for now, i'm doing a lot of thinking about it. In the meantime, I thought i would share one of Corlette's pieces with you. I'd love to hear from any other budding art students out there…..where are you headed? What are you thinking about? Art teachers too? What's the state of things out there?

Thank you Corlette for sharing your work with me. I wish you much luck and success.


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