Interior Designer and Art of the Spa owner, Candy Silvasy joins us to talk about decorating your powder room with original artwork

Is your bathroom feeling a bit starkers?  Why not steal a trend from luxury spas where colors in the bath are on trend – bringing energy and visual warmth to their lucky guests.  Just what you need to keep the winter blues at bay!

And you don’t have to lift a paintbrush, touch a tile grouter or flush out fixtures to put a Technicolor touch on your soaking spaces.  Instead of DIY, we’re headed into the forgotten frontier of bathroom decor:  art!

Your most private space can become a sanctuary for your favorite paintings while bringing your personality into the space.  Since most baths sport neutrals, they make the perfect canvas – think of it as your own mini gallery.   As long as you hang them away from spots prone to water splashes like above the sink.

Choosing Art Décor for Bathroom Walls

Now you’re ready to Picasso up your powder room, what will you hang there?  One spa I love, The Dorchester in England, chose dark navy as their main hue creating a serene aura.  The spa then brought in graceful photographs of dancers that pay tribute to the Royal Ballet… which would look just as gorgeous with a white backdrop.

While you may not have a ballet next door, you can give a nod to your immediate surroundings, the water closet!  For instance, I absolutely love how an international art piece like “The Italy Suite – Venice” by Fazzino not only ties into the bath’s water theme, but how the gondolas echo a tub!  Such a floaty and serene piece to gaze upon while doing bath business.

Or add humor with pieces that reflect your passions.   Are you an anglophile?  Consider The Queen, a 3D  mixed media original work on canvas, embellished with Swarovski Crystals.  Not only will it add color and fun, but sparkle and texture.  Hang it over the loo to pay homage to your throne – now that’s a “royal” flush!

If you’re feeling cheeky in the restroom instead of restful, some more light-hearted artwork might be up your alley. Full of Freudian subtext and bare bodies, Charles Fazzino’s 2004 3D art piece, “Erotically Yours,” just barely PG-13, is the perfect blend of fun and friskiness.

With your painting in place, complement it!  Snap up candy colored towels and linens just in time for the January and February white sales.  Don’t limit yourself to one color – dare to choose a few for fun.

If you’re feeling bold, consider coloring cabinetry like the Four Seasons Spa in Shanghai.  Masculine charcoal gray walls are spared a potentially drab fate, set off with a stunning fuchsia lacquered vanity.

So what art is going in your “Loo-vre”?  Tell us in the comments or post it on the Fazzino Facebook page.  My secret fantasy is to have Charles Fazzino enamel my sink and tub with a spa scene.   Now that would be a true art of the spa bath!







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