Rudy Saviano was in the studio a few weeks ago. We're talking about working together to increase exposure for my hand-painted baseballs. He has some great ideas and I'm looking forward to working with him. He happened to mention to Fran and Julie in the office that he had co-written a children's baseball book……we learned first hand what a good storyteller Rudy is because he told us about how he got the legendary Bob Feller to write the introduction. Then Tom Seaver came on board to author the foreword. What a great story. Within days, Rudy sent us a copy of his book. I'd like to share it with you. It's pretty amazing…the previously untold story of the role that Casey's son played in that fateful game in Mudville.

Through this book, Rudy shows us again how life's lessons can be taught through art and cultural stories can be passed through generations by art…all kinds of art….books & literature, paintings, music, poetry, photography, etc.

Here's what Bob Feller writes on the back of the book: “I have never seen a baseball book that teaches family values and life's lessons to children as does 'The Deal is on Strike Three.' Parents should read this book and discuss the lessons it teaches with their children. I'm very proud to be part of it.”

You can read more about the book and order it from Rudy's website at



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