I can't believe i've been exhibiting at Art Expo New York for more than twenty years! Art Expo is sort of like Christmas … or New Year's … each time it comes around, it feels like it just happened! This year's show was very special for me because for the first time, i had the chance to really exhibit with my daughter. We premiered her new line of art, apparel, and hand-painted furniture. She's even launched her own website at crookcouture.com – you can't blame me for a little shameless promotion for my daughter on my blog! 🙂 Actually, her work was very well received. She heard a lot of comments about having her finger on the pulse of the younger generation. Her artwork is definitely for the younger set….and i'm proud of what she's accomplished.

I enjoyed seeing many of you at the Javits center and i especially had a lot of fun watching the reactions to my diorama and big apple sculptures. They were both labors of love…new concepts…a little risky…and a lot of fun to do! I'd love to hear from those of you who were there…what did you like best from my new collection? I'd love some feedback.



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