Illusions of NYC is the latest 3D limited edition pop art release from Charles Fazzino and it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before. The artwork is quintessentially Charles Fazzino; a New York cityscape with all of the detail and drama…BUT…printed on a sheet of aluminum.

The black and white version of Charles Fazzino's Illusions of New York aluminum artwork collection

Fazzino’s Aluminum Artwork Collection

“I started experimenting with print on aluminum about a year ago,” said Charles Fazzino. “One of the best parts of silkscreen printing is that you can get metallic colors – gold and silver – that you can’t get with any other kind of process. Now that we’re printing on the metal surface itself, I can get the reflection of the silver throughout the print…not just in spots. It gives my artwork an even more dramatic feel and anything on metal really gives the collector a sense of substance and solidity. I think I’m going to be in this ‘aluminum phase’ for quite awhile. I’m looking forward to creating a whole new collection.”

The colorful version of Charles Fazzino's Illusions of New York aluminum artwork collection

Purchasing Information: Illusions of NYC

Illusions of NYC is available as a black and white or a color print on aluminum. Contact your favorite authorized Fazzino gallery or drop us an email at for purchasing information.




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