In my latest E-Newsletter, I asked you why you like the MLB All-Star Game. Of course, I'm giving away a few posters for your answers. I am surprised by some of the truly inspirational responses I have received. One is posted below. You can read more of them in the Member's Lounge. This one's from Steven…..

I have seen every All Star game going back to the early 1950's. My parents have had season
tickets for the NY Yankees since the early 1940's. There is no game better then baseball and no
better place to see a game than the House That Ruth Built. As a child I was fortunate enough to live 3 blocks
from the stadium and have the fondest memories of going to every game I could straight from school.
There will always be a special place in my heart for the old stadium especially
since the new stadium is being built right on top
of my old high school home field.
It was appropriately named Babe Ruth Field.

I would be proud to hang this piece on my wall especially since it was done by
Mr. Fazzino. My wife and I have collected his artwork for many years and now
have approximately 10 of his pieces hanging at both my daughters
home and our home.
Please consider this request it would mean a lot to me.
I never miss an all star game, it's being held at the
best stadium on earth and I am a fan of Mr. Fazzino's work.
It would be like winning the trifecta!


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