One of the artists who works with me, Faiza, is from Pakistan. She's worked with me for years, and for years she's been saying to me… “Charles, you paint so much Broadway and Hollywood…have you ever seen a Bollywood film?” “Bollywood” is a combination of Bombay and Hollywood and is the word used to describe the Hindi-language movie industry. Well, a few months ago, i saw “Bollywood Dreams” on PBS television….it's based on the broadway play…and soon after, Faiza told me about a movie called “Khunda Kay Liye” which means “In the Name of God” in English….i watched it. It was incredible….all about the incredibly tragic way that the Muslim people have been caught up in this whole worldwide “movement” to persecute religious extremists….how good people suffer terrible persecution because they are lumped into the category of “terrorists” just because of their heritage and religious beliefs.

After seeing the film, i decided to work on a painting….a tribute to Bollywood. I just finished it today and i'm very proud of it. Many of my collectors who i've met are of far eastern descent and I thought they might enjoy my interpretation of Bollywood and my homage to their popular culture and heritage.

You can see a larger version of the painting at I hope you enjoy it….and i urge everyone to listen to the message of “In the Name of God….” i just hope people can judge each other for who they are rather than relying on stereotypes and following the group mentality of hatred and suspicion.


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