Charles and Heather Fazzino are at it again, but this time they’re creating beautiful installations in Stamford, CT for the city’s outdoor arts initiative. Cheryl Veukelic, the Senior Operations Manager from Stamford Downtown, commissioned the Fazzinos to artistically re-invent the mechanics kiosk outside the Ferguson Library. Through the Fazzinos collaboration, they executed a vision of “Butterflies and Books.” The knowledge you gain through reading books can set you free, like a butterfly. The kiosk was unveiled last week by the Fazzinos along with Alice Knapp, President of Ferguson Library and Sandy Goldstein, The President of Stamford Downtown.

Charles and Heather Fazzino in front of a kiosk painted with books & butterflies.

“This project was really great to work on, because it really brightens up the corner outside Ferguson Library. We’re reinventing these kiosks with our combination of Fazzino styles.” -Heather Fazzino

Painted kiosk with books & butterflies.

“I am so happy to finally see the completion of my vision in this project. Literature and reading help the the mind take flight! I LOVE to incorporate butterflies in my work, so what better way to combine flight of the imagination from a book and the beauty of a butterfly!” -Charles Fazzino

Up close image of a kiosk covered in painted butterflies.

I can’t wait to have my solo design premiere on the light box that my father designed in 2012. It needed a “Fazzino Face-lift” as my dad calls it, and I’ve been working on it for awhile. It will be on the corner of Main Street and Summer Street and I expect to have it completed in a few weeks so stay tuned.” -Heather Fazzino

Image of Heather Fazzino, Charles Fazzino, Alice Knapp, President of Ferguson Library and Sandy Goldstein standing next to the commissioned kiosk.


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