Remember when you had to actually go to the bank to complete a transaction….or call your broker on the phone and have him get to convey a message to the trading floor to make a stock trade? Those were the good old days. We are stating the obvious when we say that technology is everywhere! Well, Charles Fazzino decided he needed to make a statement about how ever-changing technology has affected our financial lives. The result is the new 3D pop art limited edition release titled Mind Your Money, In Our Digital World.

“In a Way,” says Fazzino, “this piece is a metaphor for my own life. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by how fast things are happening….but even more so, how fast things can get so messed up. You used to have to talk to people on the phone or see them in person to complete complex financial transactions. Now you can make a mistake by just pushing a button and suddenly, your entire life savings is gone. Or your identity is stolen. Or your bank account is compromised. It’s so easy for things to slip away and you have to be so diligent about staying up on the new technologies.

“We used to be able to manage our lives by using our brains. Now our brains are essentially plugged into all this technology and pretty soon, all you’ll have to do is have a thought and things will just happen…and they will be so far beyond our control before we can do anything about them. The days of the old trading floor with mobs of guys yelling are over and done. Now it’s all about the computers and who can create faster circuits and better buttons to push. It’s more important to be plugged in than tuned in!”

Mind Your Money SMLR


Financial-Themed Pop Art

“Mind Your Money….” is the latest in a long line of financial-themed pop art by Charles Fazzino. Since the 1994 release “Money Makes the World go Round,” money has been a popular subject for Fazzino’s whimsical 3D look at life. “Another Day, Another Dollar,” and “Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees” were two of the most popular images the artist has ever released.


Money Doesn't Grow on Trees

Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees


Another Day, Another Dollar

Another Day, Another Dollar





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