I can’t believe we’re almost half way through the baseball season! Tuesday I started assembling a 3-D All-Star Game piece live at the MLB Fan Cave. I’ve been reading up about baseball history and learning some new things, especially about the seventh inning stretch!  As any baseball fan knows, the seventh inning stretch is a tradition that takes place during the middle of the seventh inning when fans generally stand up and stretch out their arms and legs and sometimes walk around. It’s the fans’ mid-game break.


Did you know that several folks claim to have invented the seventh inning stretch?  One of my staff, Annie, believes that the seventh inning stretch was invented, most likely by Brother Jasper, the Prefect of Discipline and Baseball coach at Manhattan College, during a hot and muggy baseball game in 1882. (She’s a bit biased since she’s a Manhattan grad. and a Jaspers fan.) During the seventh inning stretch teams often play “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and post 9/11, most play “God Bless America”, especially at Yankee Stadium and CitiField.


I want to know what is YOUR favorite seventh inning stretch activity? Post your seventh inning stretch comment on this blog by June 30th at 12 p.m, EST. Out of all of you who comment, we’ll pick four (4) winners at random to win one of my All-Star Game posters. And i’ll dedicate and personalize it for you before we send it out.


And, I plan to be down at the MLB Fan Cave again next week, so stay tuned to mlbfancave.com!









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